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Customs President chairs a meeting to launch Customs Single Window (OFOQ)
Customs President chairs a meeting to launch Customs Single Window (OFOQ)

President of Customs Shaikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalifa chaired a meeting to launch the Customs Single Window (OFOQ2). The meeting was attended by representatives from the government and private sectors.  The system aims to enhance digital services and ensure the handover of goods within the best international practices.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Customs President expressed thanks and appreciation for the support of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister to project. He also highlighted the backing of His Excellency Interior Minister General Shaikh Rashid to all development plans and programmes of the Customs Affairs.

He welcomed the existing cooperation between the authorities involved in the OFOQ2 and their successful outcomes in previous projects. He asserted the importance to ensure a smooth workflow to attract investments. He said that the system is like an e-portal to process various customs data and government procedures within the best global practices.

During the meeting, the supervising team of the project presented a presentation about the system and its facilities.