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Customs Affairs arrests passenger carrying shabu

Customs Affairs arrests passenger carrying shabu

The Supervisor of the Airports Customs Directorate announced on Monday that the Customs Department at Bahrain International Airport had arrested an Asian passenger for smuggling the drug shabu. He said the customs officers suspected the man, referred him to the red lane and found the drug with him.

The suspect was referred to the Anti-narcotics Directorate of the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Forensic Science for legal proceedings. 

Customs President receives Causeway Director-General

Customs President receives Causeway Director-General

Customs President Shaikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalifa has received Director-General of King Fahad Causeway Organisation Dr Emad Ibrahim Al Mohesain. The President of Customs praised the Director-General’s role and his efficiency throughout his years of service in various posts in the organisation.

The Director-General highlighted the current projects and future plans relating to the causeway. The Customs President also wished the best to the Director-General.